The new paradigm: dementia in an era of treatments

The World Dementia Council is holding a series of high-level virtual roundtables on dementia in an era of treatments. This second virtual roundtable will explore lessons for advocacy movements. For advocacy movements, thinking about how to go forward from here is critical. There are very practical questions, that other disease areas have experienced, such as securing access. Advocacy movements will not just need to refocus activities but also evolve how they talk about dementia. 

The roundtable discussions will help shape a policy paper that the Council will be published later in the year. This high level dialogue will bring together leading researchers, industry, policymakers and advocates.

Date: Thursday 27 February
Time: 1400-1530 GMT
Platform: Zoom

For more information on participating in the meeting please contact 

  • Meet the chairs and speakers

    Chaired by Dr Joanne Pike, President and CEO of Alzheimer's Association and George Vradenburg, chair Davos Alzheimer's collaborative, this virtual meeting will explore the lessons for advocacy movements from the roll out of treatments. With opening remarks from Robert Egge, Chief Public Policy Officer Alzheimer's Association, Fiona Carragher, Chief Policy and Research Officer Alzheimer's Society and Jean Georges, Executive Director at Alzheimer's Europe

  • WDC Project: Dementia in an Era of Treatments
    Treatments mark a fundamental change for the field. For the first time Alzheimer's disease is treatable. Even if the impact of treatments is limited and, at the moment, is available in only a few countries, this signals the direction of travel for the field and will shape public policy in the decades ahead. The Council will explore the impact of treatments beginning with a series of global dialogues for international experts