Niranjan Bose

Niranjan Bose is the Managing Director for Health & Life Sciences at Gates Ventures, LLC, where he also serves as a Health & Life Sciences Advisor to Mr. Bill Gates. Gates Ventures' programmatic investments in the Alzheimer’s field include the AD Diagnostics Accelerator, Dementia Discovery Fund (DDF), EQT Dementia Fund, AD Data Initiative and the European Platform for Neurodegenerative Diseases (EPND).  

Dr Joanne Pike

Joanne Pike, DrPH, is president and CEO of the Alzheimer’s Association, the global leader in Alzheimer's and dementia care, support and research. With her progressive experience in social support and public health, she is leading the organization during a transformational period. Novel treatments for people living with Alzheimer’s are emerging, and equitable access — as well as reaching all those affected with education and support — has never been more important.

G7 Health Ministerial meeting on dementia

The Government of Japan hosted a side event on dementia at the G7 Health Ministerial meeting, held in May in Nagasaki. The meeting was held in the convention centre on the morning of the second day ahead of the ministers meeting. A number of G7 ministerial spoke and re-iterated their commitment to make progress in the dementia field. The Ministerial Communique agreed later that day reflected that. You can read the Communique here

Professor Miia Kivipelto

Miia Kivipelto, MD, PhD, is Professor in Clinical Geriatrics at Karolinska Institutet (KI), Center for Alzheimer Research and senior geriatrician and Director for Research & Development of Medical Unit Aging at Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden. Part of her Nordic Brain

Dr Stacie Weninger

Stacie Weninger is the President of FBRI and a Venture Partner at F-Prime Capital Partners. Dr. Weninger received a Ph.D. in neuroscience from Harvard University, and a B.S. degree in chemistry with highest honors from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Dr Mark McCellan

Mark McClellan, MD, PhD, is Director and Robert J. Margolis, M.D., Professor of Business, Medicine and Policy at the Margolis Center for Health Policy at Duke University. He is a physician-economist who focuses on quality and value in health care, including payment reform, real-world evidence and more effective drug and device innovation. Dr. McClellan is at the center of the nation’s efforts to combat the pandemic and the author of a roadmap that details the steps needed for a comprehensive COVID-19 response and safe reopening of our country.

Global perspectives on public policy challenges in dementia transcript published

The dialogue on health system challenges at the WDC summit 2022 was chaired by Professor Philippe Amouyel, University Hospital of Lille. Professor Sube Banerjee, University of Plymouth, Dr Joanne Pike, Alzheimer's Association, Professor Viji Ravindranath, National Brain Center, India and Dr Gustavo Sevlever, Chairman, Neuropathology Department FLENII Argentina shared perspectives.